Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Flute heave Back

Strains of the melodious sound of bamboo flutes in the chamber Auditorium Taman Budaya Maluku, Ambon, last weekend. Rhythm combined with other instruments, interspersed with the strains of a solo singer and chorus. These efforts raised the prestige of the bamboo flute, one of the traditional musical instruments of Maluku.

The song "Over The Rainbow" by Harold Arlen and "St. Elmo's Fire" by David Foster who played Molucca Bamboo Wind Orchestra sounded classic. The sound of bamboo flutes played by 55 people from 135 orchestra players is so dominant in every song.

Voice flutes from five types of flute capable of producing a high tone soprano, alto, tenor, to the low bass tones. Puffs of the players were able to cultivate a tone that came out, ranging from slow to fast tempo.

Flute is also a motorcycle in five of the six other songs that are played orchestra. Flute sound blends with the sound of traditional musical instruments other Maluku, like totobuang (small gong-gong), tambourines, and drums. Also blended with modern musical instruments, like guitar, flute, and violin.

Over 1.5 hours, the game Molucca Bamboo Wind Orchestra in the show titled "Bamboo Flute Music Concert" looked back trying to actualize the traditional musical instrument that has been sidelined the last 30 years of age. Spectators who packed the auditorium have not moved from his seat until the show ended. Applause, standing (standing ovation) marks the audience award at the end of the show.

Composer Molucca Bamboo Wind Orchestra, Maynard RN Alfons, say, bamboo flute has been known since the end of the Maluku people of the 16th century. Then in 1815, a Dutch missionary, Joseph Kam, more membumikan this flute with it as a tool to broadcast the Christian religion.

Flute growing until it is often used to escort the festivities customary or ritual death. At the time, the flute sound is always heard in almost every country in the Moluccas.

This situation began to change around 1980. According to Karel Paays (68), the oldest flute player in the Molucca Bamboo Wind Orchestra, the change coincided with the start knew other instruments, like organ.

Slowly bamboo flute no longer be part of the life of the Moluccas. "In most churches, the flute no longer be used. If anything, it can only be found in the church corner and the number could be counted on the fingers, "he said.

Competition game antarnegeri flute (district) who routinely held prior to 1980 was no longer there. In fact, Karel has ever won a flute in the race, said race is an effective way to preserve the flute.

These conditions encourage the Moluccas Cultural Park initiated the bamboo flute concert in 2006. Work with RN Alfons Maynard, Head of Cultural Park Maluku Semmy Toisuta realize the idea.

"Initially we went to the villages on the island of Ambon. Inviting people who can play the flute to participate and also teach young children to play the flute, "said Semmy. Two months old, they are doing this.

However, this new early stage. After that, they should gather the people to practice together. "This is difficult. They come from different backgrounds so it is not easy to unite them all in one exercise, "said Maynard Alfons.

The players were there that day-to-day work as farmers, civil servants, police, and even a motorcycle. Many are still students. Therefore, Maynard takes a long time, about three months, to train these players in order to produce a harmonious symphony music.

In the midst of the difficulties faced, Maynard also have to make a flute, bamboo flute that they will use. From start to small diameter pitched soprano flute to flute big bass tone.

Special flute pitched this bass, its not like the flute in general. Bass flute is made up of bamboo diameter of 10 centimeters (cm) is blown at the larger diameter bamboo, about 15 cm, which closed below it, to produce sound.

The first time Molucca Bamboo Wind Orchestra fascinating look in public to commemorate the birthday of the city of Ambon, 7 September 2006. From there Toisuta Semmy then make bamboo flute music concerts each year as a regular agenda at the Taman Budaya Maluku.

"We allocate an additional Rp 110 million each year for this concert," said Semmy. Because the goal to preserve the bamboo flute music, Semmy not withdraw money from the audience.

However, Maynard Alfons hope the effort to preserve not merely a concert once a year. Whether taught in schools, concerts in public places, or in church, just can attract more people to play the bamboo flute. source of the article by: (Poncho Anggoro)

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