Monday, January 17, 2011

Gibson Green Day Guitar

News / Guitars

Gibson launch custom-designed Billie Joe Armstrong Signature Les Paul Jr 31-Aug-06
Gibson Green Day Guitar

Gibson Guitar has partnered with Green Day guitarist Billie Joe Armstrong to create the Gibson Billie Joe Armstrong (BJA) Signature model guitar. The guitar was created through a partnership with Armstrong and the Gibson USA design team in Nashville, Tenn. and is based on the specifications of Armstrong's vintage 1950's model Gibson Les Paul Jr.

The guitar took a little over a year of design and modification with hands-on analysis from Armstrong throughout Green Day's worldwide tour. The Gibson BJA Signature guitar boasts a custom modified pickup, unique to any other guitar produced. It will be available in three colors: vintage sunburst, classic white and ebony. It also comes with a custom hard shell case with leopard-print interior and the Green Day signature ‘Shock Guy’ logo on the exterior.

Billie Joe Armstrong had this to say, "For years I have been looking for a guitar sound that could live up to the guitar tone I hear in my head. The first time I played my 1956 Les Paul Jr. guitar, it matched that tone perfectly. Les Paul Jr. guitars can reproduce the punch of power chords and the power of big open chords with perfect string definition. I have worked hard over the last two years to make sure my artist series guitar would live up to the legacy of the classic Les Paul guitars of the fifties."

Henry Juszkiewicz, Chairman and CEO of Gibson Guitar told us, "It has been a terrific experience to work with Billie Joe, tapping his passion and expertise for his Gibson guitar and creating a signature model to his specifications. Together, we are now able to offer his unique sound and style to guitar players and Green Day fans everywhere.â€

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